Pedestrian Safety
Be safe this school year!
It’s back to school and that means as parents, community members, and drivers we need to be cautious and mindful of children loading and unloading busses, and also families and children walking to school. Here are some great tips and resources to refresh your pedestrian safety knowledge and help you teach your child how to be safe!
Help our kiddos learn how to cross the street! Show them what Junior and his friends do:
When you run, walk, or jog, remember to teach your children to look both ways. If you are a driver, keep your eyes open for our smaller friends.
It helps you #SeeAndBeSeen
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What would walking or riding a bike look like if traffic signs took a vacation?
Watch the story unfold here!
Be a good role model for your kids. Good traffic safety habits start with a good example. #ShareTheRoad
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Help our children learn sidewalk safety!